Pent offers a free evaluation of London rooftops

We offer a comprehensive evaluation to provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the viability and potential value of their rooftops. We assess the following:

  • The structural integrity of the roof.

  • The potential impact on Health & Safety and Fire regulations.

  • The surrounding area’s architectural fabric.

  • The massing and height of neighboring buildings to ensure that our proposed development harmonises with the local skyline and does not adversely affect the character.

  • The impact on light, privacy, and views, both for the new development and for neighbouring properties.

  • The logistical challenges of transporting materials and equipment to the site, including the removal of waste materials.

  • If the property is in a conservation or protected area, which could impose additional restrictions and require special considerations in the design to preserve the area's historical and aesthetic value.

  • A review of the local unitary development plans. This ensures that our proposed development aligns with the local authority's vision and regulations for the area.

  • Results in a high level picture of the values and financial upside from embarking on a development as well as a potential offer from Pent Developments.

Structural Assessment

Logistical Assessment

Regulatory Assessment


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